Dear Friends in Christ –

In yesterday’s reading, Jesus uses simple means to heal and restore two women. The hem of his garment stopped a flow of blood in one woman and simple words raise a young girl to new life. At the Table of the Lord, he feeds us with bread and wine and we are forgiven. Yesterday, after church, our family attended a baptism for the daughter of some close friends, and God washed Makenna clean of sin and death. These simple things–word, water, wheat, and wine–become powerful instruments by which God offers us his forgiveness and grants us healing and restoration.
The bleeding woman is so desperate and so full of faith that she reaches out to touch the hem of his garment. I wonder how desperate we are for such an encounter with Jesus? In the services of God’s house, with the community of faith, and through the Word and Sacraments, Jesus grants us salvation and new life. I hope you will continue to meet together with us as we are transformed by faith in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Blessings on your week –
Pastor Culynn

To prepare for worship on Sunday
(July 1), you are invited to read:
Mark 6:30-44

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