Dear Friends in Christ –

Over the course of the last week, we heard again the story of our salvation. Palm Sunday began with the our cries for help: “Hosanna” which means “Save us!” Then on Thursday we heard as Jesus re-imagined the Passover meal. The bread and wine were given as his body and blood for the forgiveness of sin. We heard Jesus’ royal decrees on Good Friday. Enthroned on  the  cross,  he  announced  sympathy,  salvation,   and  sovereignty  over  all—even death. Finally, on Sunday, he rose from the dead, inviting us into the hope of his kingdom and the joy of salvation!
Thank you to all who attended and served during these services. A word of thanks to those who kept watch and prayed during the Vigil.

Easter isn’t over! Over the course of the next several weeks, the Risen Christ will continue to reveal himself to us and we will hear his promises and receive his benefits. For the first apostles, while the news of the resurrection was difficult to accept, it was their regular, ongoing connection to the fellowship of faith, regularly remembering his words, and in the breaking of the bread that Christ was revealed. Join us this Easter season as we grow in faith, love, and obedience to Christ, our crucified and risen Savior!

Easter Blessings!
Pastor Culynn

To prepare for worship on Sunday
(April 28), you are invited to read:
Acts 8:9-25.

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