Dear Friends

The Gathering Hymn on Sunday was “How Great Thou Art.” The lyrics of that hymn evoke the beauty of God’s creation and the love which God has for the world. Many of us are transported to a funeral of a loved one. The Gospel message of the hymn, however, comes in the the third and fourth verse: “But when I think that God his Son not sparing/sent him to die I scarce can take it in. That on the cross my burden gladly bearing/he bled and died to take away my sin.” Because of Christ’s death and resurrection, we will stand in confidence on the last day, when by God’s call and trumpet blast, the dead will be raised and we will celebrate Christ’s victory over sin and death.
As the tradition of our one Summer Service draws to a close, I always get a little sad. I enjoy when 10:30am service people have their seat stolen by 8:00am people; we get to see new faces and celebrate our shared faith. I love when we fill the sanctuary with the beauty and fullness of our singing (as you have done so often this summer) and the robust confession of faith. I get excited when the message of Jesus gets a hearing and the people of God have their sins forgiven and feast on the Word and Sacrament of Holy Communion. Thank you for wonderful attendance, beautiful singing, and hearts full of faith! This Sunday will be our last joint service, and we hope you will be there!

With gratitude,
Pastor Culynn

P.S. And don’t miss out on the Reese’s pieces on Sunday, September 8.

To prepare for worship on Sunday
(September 1), you are invited to read:
Ezekiel 36:26-28; Luke 23:26-31

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