Dear Friends in Christ –

Too often, we run ourselves ragged, trying to be more than enough. Our work, our kids’ activities, and everything else keeps us so busy. When I listen to others, I often here a lament about the craziness of our schedules, and yet we don’t stop, re-evaluate, or change the behaviors. Maybe Ruth is the wake up call we need. Yesterday, the story of Ruth and Naomi challenged us to think about our priorities. Ruth left behind so much in order to care for Naomi and to follow the Lord, the God of Israel. She understood that her first priorities were to God and family. As you begin this week, take a few moments for quiet reflection. Let some things fall away, and commit to be fully present to God and family; just as God has been fully committed to you, so much so, that he gave his one and only Son that you might experience the fullness of life and eternal life forever.

Peace to you this week!
Pastor Culynn

To prepare for worship on Sunday
(October 20), you are invited to read:
2 Samuel 5:1-5; Psalm 133

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