Dear Friends in Christ –

Yesterday, Pastor Randy Freund, Service Coordinator from Augustana District, was here to preach and to lead our church council and long-range planning committee in a visioning retreat. In both his sermon and his presentation, he pointed out the foolishness of the cross. It works contrary to the ways of the world but leads to salvation and life.
This week, the season of Lent begins with the Solemn Observance of Ash Wednesday. The season of Lent is foolish to the world. A season for self-examination and reflection on repentance; an invitation to self-denial, taking up the cross and following Christ; it does not make sense to the world. And yet, as we follow Christ to the cross, the Holy Spirit brings forth new birth, new life, and the power of resurrection! On Wednesday, we will begin the foolish walk to the cross and celebrate with joy the promise of the empty tomb.

Blessings on your week!

Pastor Culynn

To prepare for worship on Sunday
(March 1), you are invited to read:
Mark 10:17-31

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