Dear Friends in Christ –

Recently, I heard that Disneyland Tokyo has reopened after Japan lifted their COVID-19 restrictions. While the events of reopening have been taking shape all over the world, the interesting thing was the new request about roller coasters. The fun of going on such rides is the anticipation of a big drop or the excitement of a crazy turn, which undoubtedly prompts screams of fear or delight. Officials at Disney Japan request: “Scream in your hearts!”
While the idea seems silly on a roller coaster, I think it may be exactly what Jesus invites us to do when he teaches us to pray in the Sermon on the Mount. “Do not stand on street corners or in the synagogues, but go into your room, and then pray like this…” Whether we realize it or not, the Lord’s prayer is the cry for the deepest requests of our faith-filled heart. As you go about your day and week, I encourage you to “scream in your hearts,” for the Lord will surely hear you.

Praying with you

Pastor Culynn

P.S. I encourage you to remember students, teachers, administrators, and parents in your prayers this week as we await the governor’s guidance for the 2020-2021 School Year. I know that many are anxious, and we trust that wisdom and well-being will prevail. Peace, friends!

To prepare for worship on Sunday
(August 2), you are invited to read:
Psalm 31:14-24: Matthew 6:19-24

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