Spiritual Gifts & Service

We believe the Holy Spirit equips each person with gifts, so that they can serve in, with, through, and outside of the church to make Christ known in word and deed.

Our congregation supports missionaries and other global partners to further expand the Kingdom of God and the preaching of the Gospel. Juan and Anne Fernandez and their family serve in Bolivia and part of Central and South America through the World Mission Prayer League. In partnership with other Augustana District churches, we support the Tabor Congregation in Ethiopia. We also prayerfully support New Hope Mission Society, a multi-faceted ministry in India.

Noisy Offerings:
A few years ago, in an attempt to support local and national mission partners, we started receiving a noisy offering. Every second Sunday of the month, we receive coin offerings at the end of the service which financially support several mission partners.

Lenten Offering Project:
A few years ago, the church council accepted a motion to receive a special Lenten offering which would be designated to a specific mission partner. Through special giving envelopes, soup suppers, and other ways, we offer this financial gift as part of our Lenten discipline.

Church Council:
Our congregation is served by a Church Council, a group of elected and appointed leaders who help in making the administrative, financial, and ministerial decisions of our congregation.

President: Anastasia Martin
Administration & Personnel: Dan Willey
Secretary: Jodi Kjolhaug
Faith & Learning: Kyle Gramsey
Worship & Music: Rosanna Chambliss
Congregational Care: Cindy McVenes
Spiritual Growth & Stewardship: John Wisecarver
Property & Grounds: Jason George
Missions & Outreach: Jean Borrell
Treasurer: Barbie Berg
Financial Secretary: Leanne Kramer

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