Dear Friends in Christ –

On Sunday, we sang the great Epiphany hymn: “O Morning Star, How Fair and Bright.” In the first verses, the lyricist speaks of the blessing and joy that we know through God’s plan in Jesus, planned before the foundations of the world. In the latter verses, the lyricist reminds us of the future hope that we have: “He will one day, O glorious grace, transport us to that happy place, beyond all tears and sinning.” In response to such incredible news, all creation rings and sings in jubilation and exultation to the King of Glory!
As we continue to listen to Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount, we will discover the Father’s love for us. Christ is calling you into his kingdom to be experienced in the here-and-now (however fleeting), and we will know the glorious and eternal joy of our lives lived in faith and completed when the promises of Jesus become the reality of our sights!

Longing for the Kingdom with you,
Pastor Culynn

To prepare for worship on Sunday
(January 29), you are invited to read: Matthew 6:7-34

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